Original art work
Size: 16 cm x 12 cm
Original art work
These Pen and ink illustrations explore the question “ What if Tolkien had produced more drawings for the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings?”.
Following his Illustration style I created artwork of some of my favourite scenes as though created by Tolkien’s hand.
Bilbo distracts the spiders from their meal.
Old fat spider spinning in a tree!
Old fat spider can’t see me!
Attercop! Attercop!
Won’t you stop,
Stop your spinning and look for me?
Old Tomnoddy, all big body,
Old Tomnoddy can’t spy me!
Attercop! Attercop!
Down you drop!
You’ll never catch me up your tree!
Lazy Lob and crazy Cob
are weaving webs to wind me.
I am far more sweet than other meat,
but still they cannot find me!
Here am I, naughty little fly;
you are fat and lazy.
You cannot trap me, though you try,
in your cobwebs crazy.
The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien
Original art work
Size: 16 cm x 12 cm
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